Follow the Current

At Prolimit we aim to highlight the importance of understanding how ocean and wind currents work and how they affect water temperatures and climate. We collect data on water temperature and climate and speak with professional meteorologists and oceanographers to learn more about currents and climate and share this knowledge with everyone who’s interested. We take our riders on this journey as we believe it is important that they are aware as well since they travel to different parts of the world and ride on many various spots.

Currents play a vital role in regulating the Earth’s climate and weather patterns. Currents are driven by various factors such as wind and temperature and they can travel thousands of miles across the ocean’s surface.

With this data we give insight on the complex relationship between currents, water temperature and climate patterns. And most important, which wetsuit to wear where and when. It’s not only an innovative project but also educative for water sports enthusiasts and anyone who cares about our oceans and climate.

Follow the Current is also aimed at raising awareness about the impact of climate change on the oceans and the need to protect them. As the Earth’s temperature continues to rise, ocean currents are likely to change, which could have significant implications for the planet’s climate and weather patterns.

We believe that by understanding how ocean and wind currents work and how they affect the planet’s climate and weather patterns, we can all play a part in protecting the oceans and ensuring a sustainable future for our planet.

Follow the Rugged Coast of Achill Island

The impact of the Gulf Stream on Europe’s climate and coastline

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Cape Town to Cape Agulhas

Where two oceans meet

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